Superstar Salman Khan’s hit & run case which had come up for a retrial in the court today, has been adjourned. One person was killed and four others were injured when the land cruiser allegedly driven by Khan crushed a group of people sleeping on the pavement outside a bakery in suburban Bandra in the wee hours on September 28, 2002.
As per sources, the case has been adjourned till April 8, 2014. The reason being examination of witnesses in Salman Khan’s hit and run case retrial didn’t happen. Three witnesses who were to be examined were unavailable. In the next hearing they will be examining the injured witnesses.
Sources further added that, if convicted, Salman Khan would face a 10-year jail term. At the moment Salman Khan is busy promoting Atul Agnihotri’s ‘O Teri’. The film starring Pulkit Samrat and Bilal Amrohi is slated to release on March 28.
Will Salman Khan be joining his best friend Sanjay Dutt in prison or will the Dabangg Khan be lucky ?