Superstar Salman Khan’s Hit & Run Case retrial that had started yesterday has once again been adjourned. The hearing was adjourned again because the articles which the police had collected from the spot could not be presented in the court. The three men, namely Mohammed Muslim Sheikh, Munnu Malai Khan and Kalim Sheikh, who had suffered injuries due to Khan’s alleged rash driving, had also attended the trial. However, the deposition of the three victims is adjourned to May 6, when the actor will have to present before the court.
As per sources, the prosecution started with the panch witness, who had accompanied the police while they accumulated articles from the spot where Salmna Khan had allegedly rammed his car. However, the prosecution again had to seek an adjournment before completion of the examination as it was yet to trace the articles which the police had collected from the spot in 2002.
Sources confirmed, “The court had summonsed the panch witness, Samba Gowda, to depose before it. He accepted that on September 28, 2002 he had seen a big car ramming into a laundry and its bumper hitting its shutter. He also informed the court that after the incident he had visited the spot with the police. On reaching spot, he saw several parts of the car scattered around and shreds of glass were all over the place.”
Sources further added, “Problems arose when the prosecution realised that the articles were not present in the court. Actually, the police had earlier submitted the articles before the Bandra court; however, due to some reasons, they are yet to be transferred to the sessions court. Hence, the matter was adjourned to May 2.”
Salman Khan will have to attend the court on May 6. If in case he fails to appear, then a warrant will be issued against him.