Filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala is working with best friend Salman Khan after along time now. The two of them were shooting for action comedy drama ‘Kick’ that also has the gorgeous Jacqueline Fernandez in it. Sajid was on that particular day all set his mind to have a working birthday busy shooting a song sequence with Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez for ‘Kick’. But his best friend Sallu along with Sajid’s family members and the crew of ‘Kick’ had planned something else for him.
According to sources, “A red carpet was rolled out in the evening, as we waited for Sajid sir to finish the shot and go to his vanity. The entire place was lit up with big lights, sky lanterns and lots of balloons. Sajid sir was stunned as he walked out. Flooded with flowers and gifts, he happily posed with everyone, for pictures. He and Salman were engrossed giggling about past memories with his family and Jacqueline.” Sajid’s family, mother Shafaat, wife Warda, kids Subhan and Sufyan surprised the director by visiting the sets to wish him happiness. A three-tier cake baked specially for the evening, was said to be in a shape of a huge movie camera.
Seems like a pleasant surprise gift from Salman Khan to his friend Sajid on his birthday.