Entire Maharashtra welcomed their favourite deity, Ganpati Bappa on Monday. Superstar Salman Khan‘s sister Arpita Khan too hosted Lord Ganesha at her residence. The entire Khan khandaan came under one roof to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi. Yesterday, the entire Khan family and their friends were seen having a gala time during the Ganpati visarjan.
Salman was seen dancing his heart out as he gave a grand send-off to Lord Ganesha. The actor was joined by his family and actresses like Swara Bhasker and Daisy Shah. The superstar who was in a great mood was even seen dancing lifting his niece.
Salman’s family celebrates all the festival with the same fervor. At sister Arpita Khan’s Ganesh Visarjan, Salman showed off his amazing dancing skills as he danced his heart out to the beats of dhol and tasha.
You can check out his video below:
Even the rains, could not dampen Salman’s spirit and he danced all throughout the visarjan procession.
In the following video, Salman can be seen dancing with Daisy Shah and Swara Bhasker. All three of them were dancing like no one’s watching. Salman has worked with Swara in ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’.
Here’s Arpita with her friends and family leaving for the visarjan.
Salman’s family always make sure to celebrate all the festivals together. Check out the following video in which he is performing aarti with his nephew Ahil and mother Salma.
Salman’s carefree dance certainly made our day brighter. What about you guys?
Also Read: Ganesh Chaturthi 2019: Salman Khan, Arbaaz & Giorgia Andriani celebrate at Arpita Khan’s residence
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