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Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently found herself at the center of a controversy because of her nebulization post. She was called out by Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, known as The Liver Doc. He criticised her for spreading misinformation about hydrogen peroxide nebulization. The Liver Doc called Samantha ‘health illiterate’ and suggested she should face imprisonment for disseminating such misinformation.

In response, she penned a note criticising the doctor’s choice of words, acknowledging that she is not an expert on the topic. Samantha also requested the doctor to be more polite. She wrote, “It would have been kind and compassionate of him had he not been so proactive with his words. Especially the bit where he suggests I should be thrown in prison. Nevermind. I suppose it goes with the territory of being a celebrity. I posted as someone who needs medical treatment and not as a celebrity.”

Samantha Ruth Prabhu pens a lengthy post

The Liver Doc has now written a lengthy post addressing the two doctors mentioned by Samantha in her response. He labelled them as ‘frauds’ and ‘businessmen.’ However, he also issued an apology to Samantha in his post.

The Liver Doc apologises to Samantha Ruth Prabhu

In his message, The Liver Doc highlighted his over 10 years of experience in the medical field and expressed that debating with Samantha’s doctors, Mitra Basu Chillar and Dr. Jockers, was not worthwhile. He detailed various practices they were engaged in, noting that some were improper and others were not permissible.

In his long post, he wrote, “I understand and empathize with Samantha’s health condition, and I wish her the very best. I apologize if she felt uneasy or bad about the way the message was conveyed. That was unintentional. My aim was for her to leave behind medical misinformation, peddling ‘doctors’ who are using her vulnerability and catering to her anecdotal experiences for their own gain. I sincerely suggest that patients with chronic illnesses please continue with evidence-based medical practices to remain inside a safety net and sanctuary.”

In his previous post, he criticised Samantha for promoting an incorrect medical practice and labelled her a serial offender.

Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu issues clarification on the use of nebulization post after doctor slams her

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