MS Dhoni actor Sandeep Nahar breathed his last on February 15. The actor has allegedly committed suicide after he posted a lengthy video on his Facebook account along with a note. In the note, Sandeep talked about the reasons behind his drastic step and how he can’t bear the constant fights with his wife. The late actor has featured in films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kesari and Khandaani Shafakhana to name a few.
Sandeep’s death sent a shock wave among the industry. His MS Dhoni co-stars Anupam Kher and Bhumika Chawla mourned his demise. They were aghast to know about Sandeep’s drastic step. Anupam said that he had a few scenes with Nahar and he was a very happy-go-lucky guy and a very good actor as well.
Speaking about Nahar’s death, Anupam told The Times of India, “I didn’t know about it last night, but I read about him a few hours back and immediately connected his presence in M S Dhoni: The Untold Story. Sandeep was a happy-go-lucky guy. I met him on the sets of that film only. I had about two-three scenes with him. He had more scenes with other actors in the film but he was undoubtedly a good actor.”
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Bhumika also mourned Sandeep’s death as she told TOI that whatever happened is extremely sad. The actress didn’t have many scenes with Sandeep in MS Dhoni but she said, “Depression and suicides have become common; it is so unfortunate.” Bhumika played Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister in MS Dhoni while Anupam played his father. Apart from that, Kesari actor Akshay Kumar and Khandaani Shafakhana director Shilpi Gupta expressed their sorrow as they mourned Sandeep’s death.
Also Read: Sandeep Nahar Suicide: Akshay Kumar is heartbroken by the death of his Kesari co-star