Actor Sanjay Dutt who is serving his term in Yerawada jail for his allegedly hoarding illegal weapons during Mumbai Bomb blasts, has been granted parole to take care of his wife Manyata who is at present undergoing treatment for a lung ailment in a Central Mumbai hospital. His parole is to end by January 21 and he is very much emotionally distressed at the moment.
As per sources, Sanju who has to return to jail is feeling quite helpless and emotionally drained. He has been dividing his time in the hospital where Manyata is undergoing treatment and at home to take care of his twins. The actor broke down recently. “Even the jail sentence did not shatter him as much as news of Manyata’s illness did. He was so upset that he was talking gibberish.”
This man has gone through a lot. We pray that he gets back his happiness and peace of mind soon.