Sanjay Dutt In Yerawada Jail

Actor Sanjay Dutt , who has been assigned the work of making paper bags in Yerawada prison, is not able to make a single paper bag till date.


As per sources, the jail authorities had decided on making paper bags , as they are the most easiest to learn,but they found Dutt a slow learner he still finds it difficult to give finishing touches to the bags. Now they have deputed a special officer to teach him the art of making paper bags. Once he starts making proper bags he will be paid Rs 25 to Rs 40 a day. We have appointed an officer to train Dutt in making paper bags. The actor is learning but has not been able to make even a single bag till now. We hope he will learn the skill soon,” said Yogesh Desai,  Yerawada Central Prison superintendent.

Due to security reasons Sanjay Dutt is allowed to work in his barracks,“ Dutt will do the paper-binding and file-making work for 46 months. If his behavior is found to be good during this period, his sentence might be remitted.”