Sanjay Dutt and his wife Maanayata Dutt’s first Marathi production ‘Baba’ will be screened at the Golden Globes 2020. The film that released in India today (August 2) is officially selected for screening at the Golden Globes. The film will be competing in the foreign-language category.
So obviously, the actor and his wife are on cloud nine. Sharing her excitement about her film’s selection, Maanayata told Mumbai Mirror, “We are all so happy and proud that ‘Baba’ will be screened at the Golden Globes. Our goal is to create meaningful yet entertaining cinema.”
She further added, “We hope the audiences shower the film with their love and support.”
The actor’s banner, Sanjay S Dutt Productions already has three films under production- one Punjabi film and two Hindi films. The actor’s home production aims to branch out into regional cinema along with mainstream Bollywood films. They will also be collaborating with many renowned and established directors for their future projects.
Earlier Sanjay had stated that apart from content-driven films, his banner will also make commercial and mass entertainers.
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