Actor Sanjay Dutt has found a unique way to keep in touch with his wife Maanyata Dutt. In the times of technology, when people have forgotten the art of letter writing . The two are exchanging letters everyday, thanks to our postal department. The postman is knocking frequently at the gates of Imperial Heights, Pali Hill, Bandra to forward mail to the 11th floor-Sanjay Dutt’s House.
Sanjay dutt who is at Yerawada Jail since his imprisonment has been writing one letter everyday to is wife Maanyata and she too has been replying every day to him. She had even visited him in prison, “She went alone without the kids and it was a very emotional meeting, “was stated by sources.
Well they discuss about the daily routine about their kids and home affairs also Maanyata keeps Sanju well aware about how their home banner is functioning.
We feel it is the most romantic way of being in touch.