Actor Sanjay Dutt has filed for an extension of his parole as his wife who had been recently admitted to a city hospital has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Dutt has filed an application for a 30-day extension of his parole. His application was filed three days back along with Manyata’s health report.The divisional commissioner of Pune will decide on the parole extension plea.
According to sources, The 54-year-old actor, who is serving a five-year prison term under the Arms Act in the 1993 blasts case, was released on a month-long parole to take care of his sick wife on December 21, 2013. Manyata (37) was admitted to a hospital in Parel on Tuesday after she complained of breathlessness and discomfort in the lungs. Doctors operated upon her the next day and removed water from the lungs even after the operation, Manyata is complaining of breathlessness.
Sanjay Dutt’s is truly a very sad story as he is being dodged by troubles since many years now . Pray that his troubles end soon.