Actor Sanjay Dutt, jailed in the 1993 bomb blasts case, has sought a second extension of his parole to be with his wife Manyata, who is recovering from a surgery. He is serving the remaining 42 months of his sentence for illegal possession of arms in a case related to the 1993 Mumbai’s serial blasts at Pune’s Yerawada Prison.
According to sources, Sanju was granted a month’s parole from December 21 for the second time. He was supposed to return to jail on January 21, but he sought extension of his temporary release from jail by another month (till February 21) which was granted by authorities. Now he has applied for another month-long extension, saying he wants to take care of his wife. Manyata Dutt who was reported to be suffering from multiple ailments of the heart and liver, was admitted to Global Hospital in Parel here in January where she underwent surgery recently.
The actor has written to Pune’s Divisional Commissioner seeking extension of his parole. The Commissioner in turn has asked Mumbai’s Khar police station, as Sanjay Dutt’s residence comes under its jurisdiction to carry out verification of the reason cited by the actor. The Khar police will carry out verification process in a few days.
Sanjay Dutt had earlier faced several protests outside his home and jail for his parole requests prior to this.