We already know Ranbir Kapoor will play Sanjay Dutt’s character in the film based on Dutt’s life. While it’s raining biopics in Bollywood, we are indeed eager to catch Sanjay Dutt’s entire life on the big screen, which includes several ups and downs as well as controversies. Ranbir Kapoor is a versatile actor and he undoubtedly will do justice to this opportunity. Meanwhile, filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani who will be directing the biopic, might be back with another good news.


Dutt is presently serving his tenure in jail at Yerawada jail and is expected to be out of jail in 2016. We might find him playing a cameo in his own biopic! While reports say that Ranbir Kapoor is all prepared to give his best to his onscreen character as Dutt, would not it be great to catch a glimpse of the master of the story himself; that too as a cameo?

We are eager to find out which small part does Dutt choose to play!

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