Actor Sanjay Dutt who has been sentenced for five years for illegal possession of Weapons during the 1993 Mumbai riot has already spent 18 months in jail and has to undergo the remaining three-and-a-half-year sentence. The Supreme Court had on March 21 granted Sanjay to surrender by April 18. Upholding his conviction under the Arms Act, the court had reduced his sentence from six to five years.Well Sanjay Dutt needed six more months to complete all his projects worth Rs 278 crores, the Apex court granted him an extension of four weeks,hearing this news his producers heaved a sigh of relief.
Policegiri producer T.P. Aggarwal told”Of course, it’s a great relief for all of us. Now he has a month’s time more to finish his projects.It will take two to three days for patch work and around two days for the dubbing.”Director Raj Kumar Hirani too was left to shoot with Sanjay for eight days for PK, which also stars Aamir Khan .Unglee, Policegiri and Zanjeer are slated to come out this year, while PK may hit the screens next year.
Well its truly a relief for the producers to finish their projects with Sanjay Dutt.