Deepika Padukone got so emotional on the sets of  ‘RamLeela’ a Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie that she broke down in front of everyone.
As per sources, Sanjay Leeela Bhansali is known to be strict on his sets and ‘RamLeela’ is very close to his heart as it has his mother’s name in it ‘Leela’. “On the last day of the shoot, Deepika was shooting an intense scene when Bhansali praised her in front of everyone. He said he loved her performance and that she had done a fabulous job in the film. He told her that she’s done justice to the character Leela. Deepika was touched when she heard the praise, so much so that she she could not hold her tears back and broke down.”
Well it is truly impressive to receive praise from Bhansali as only a few actors could impress the filmmaker with their work.