Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani took to social media to unveil the latest poster featuring Manisha Koirala as Nargis Dutt. The director also revealed the biopic is titled Sanju as Sanjay Dutt’s mother and legendary actress Nargis Dutt would lovingly address the actor as Sanju.
After giving us glimpses into the love life, father-son bond and friendship of Sanjay Dutt, Rajkumar Hirani has taken to social media to unveil the latest poster featuring Manisha Koirala as Nargis Dutt.
Showcasing Manisha Koirala in the vintage black and white era, the poster presents a striking resemblance to the legendary actress Nargis Dutt.
She lovingly called him #Sanju, and now that's what we all do too! Watch the ever so wonderful Manisha Koirala as Nargisji on 29th June. @mkoirala #RanbirKapoor! #RajkumarHiraniFilms @VVCFilms @foxstarhindi
— Rajkumar Hirani (@RajkumarHirani) June 6, 2018
After introducing us to the emotional bond between Sanjay Dutt and his mother, ‘Sanju’ is all set to explore the heartwarming relationship between the mother-son duo.
The recently released trailer of ‘Sanju’ has taken the excitement of the audience to an all-time high owing to the gripping storyline and power packed performances by the ensemble cast. (Also Read: ‘Sanju’: Ranbir Kapoor bashed for tarnishing Sanjay Dutt’s macho image)
Earlier the director released multiple posters of the film, revealing the varied looks of Ranbir Kapoor from the biopic. All the posters have gained immense appreciation from the audience and critics alike for the striking resemblance to Sanjay Dutt.
Written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film will also stars an ensemble cast in addition to Ranbir Kapoor which includes Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, Sonam Kapoor and Dia Mirza amongst others.
Produced by Vinod Chopra Films and Rajkumar Hirani Films in association with Fox Star Studios. ‘Sanju’ is all set to be released on 29th June 2018.