Bollywood, as an industry, often faces flak for not taking a stand and beating around the bush. Now, actress Sanya Malhotra (in an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble) spoke about the Pulwama attack. On February 14, Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama sector was targeted by terrorists and 44 CRPF jawans were martyred.
Sanya Malhotra was asked about the Pulwama attack and she said, “It makes me really sad. Because we are sitting in the comfort of our homes. We don’t even how much they are doing (Army personnel) to feel us protected without us even knowing. Just because we can live our lives safely, they are sacrificing their lives there (at the border). As citizens, we should all stand together in unity. This is not the time to fight or pull each other down. We should let our Sena (Army) do their job, they know what they are doing. We should maintain peace and let our Army do its work.”
Sanya Malhotra is currently awaiting her next release ‘Photograph’ alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Sanya shot to fame with Aamir Khan starrer ‘Dangal’ and impressed everyone.
Sanya Malhotra has hit the nail on the head as this is not the time to bicker and call each other names. Today, Indian Air Force hit back at Pakistan and attacked launch pads. India is the world’s largest democracy and will go to any extent to protect its sovereignty.
Watch the full interview here:
Also Read: Sanya Malhotra Birthday Special: 5 lesser known facts about the versatile actress
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