Earlier, actor Sara Ali Khan was spotted in the city with her mother Amrita Singh. It was reported that she is looking for a space for her house or for her office. Though there was no confirmation on the same, we recently learned that Sara Ali Khan has indeed bought a new office. Having said that, she has joined the likes of Jahnvi Kapoor and Kriti Sanon who have recently made big purchases.
Details about the new office of Sara Ali Khan
Reportedly, Sara has splurged Rs. 9 crores on a premium office space located in Lotus Signature, a state-of-the-art building in Andheri West, Mumbai. The actor who was recently spotted hunting for an office space in the city has now found one. She wanted a high-quality setting developed by producer and real estate tycoon Anand Pandit’s Lotus Developers.
What possibly swayed Sara was the stunning location as most production houses and media offices are easily accessible from Lotus Signature. And according to reports, it will also offer her excellent value for money, practical detailing, and world-class amenities. The office space is currently under construction and will be ready by September 2023.
Only recently, even actor Ajay Devgn bought a new office for himself in Andheri West. He bought five units of office and reportedly paid Rs 45.09 crore for it.
Sara Ali Khan upcoming movies
The Kedarnath actor is gearing up for good releases that she has in the pipeline. Khan will be next seen in Metro In Dino with Aditya Roy Kapur. The movie marks Sara and Aditya’s first project together also their first with Director Anurag Basu. The movie is set to release on 29th March 2024.
Apart from that, Sara also has Murder Mubarak with Karisma Kapoor, Vijay Verma, and Sanjay Kapoor. In April, Sara announced the Delhi schedule wrap. On the other hand, she also has Ae Watan Mere Watan in the kitty.
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