Model and actor Arjun Pratap Bajwa made the headlines after being romantically associated with Sara Ali Khan. In a number of photos that went viral online, the two were seen together while making the trek to Kedarnath. In a recent interview, Arjun has now responded to the dating rumours.
Arjun Pratap Bajwa on rumours of dating Sara Ali Khan
Arjun and Sara were spotted together in several pictures of the actor’s trip to Kedarnath in October. They posed individually in the same Rajasthani locations in other later-posted pictures. This gave rise to rumours that the two were going on vacation and dating.
Speaking to Varinder Chawla, he said, “So, whatever people have to write, they will write. That’s their job. They’re doing their job. I just focus on myself and what I have to do, and it doesn’t really bother me.” However, Sara has neither confirmed nor denied the rumours.
Who is Arjun Pratap Bajwa?
Actor, model, and fitness fanatic Arjun is the son of politician Fateh Singh Bajwa. He worked as an assistant on Singh is Bliing and is most recognized for his role in the movie Band of Maharajas. Arjun is a skilled MMA fighter as well. Fateh Singh Bajwa, Arjun’s father, is a prominent Punjabi member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Sara Ali Khan’s work front
On the work front, Sara is currently starring in Sky Force opposite her ex-boyfriend Veer Pahariya, who is making his debut with the film. The film stars Akshay Kumar and features Nimrat Kaur and Sharad Kelkar in pivotal roles. It will be released on January 24 ahead of Republic Day.