To all the Satish Kaushik fans out there, here is a good news. The actor who last donned the director’s hat for ‘Gang Of Ghosts’ in the year 2014, will next be seen helming a film titled ‘Kaagaz‘ starring Pankaj Tripathi.
The movie, which will also star Nishant Kaushik and Monal Gajjar, is an interesting story of a farmer named Bharat Lal from a village in Uttar Pradesh. Bharat is declared dead on papers by his relatives, who wanted to snatch his piece of land and take help from corrupt officials to do so. The film will see Pankaj’s character going to great heights to prove to the world that he is alive and also fight against the corrupt system.
Speaking of the film, Satish told IANS, “It was tentatively titled something else but finally it will be called ‘Kaagaz’ now.” Speaking about Pankaj and working with him, Satish says, “I believe his USP is his impeccable ability to get into the skin of all the characters he plays on screen and do complete justice to every role. From playing a comic character to a brutal villain — his versatility amazes me,” he added
He further said that he delighted to work with the extremely talented actor that Pankaj is. “Besides being a great artist, he is a fun person to be with,” Satish added.
Also Read: Satish Kaushik: Janhvi is with her friends on another floor, I didn’t have the heart