Actress Saumya Tandon welcomed her bundle of joy, a baby boy this year on January 14. The ‘Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’ fame actress took to her social media handle Instagram to share the first picture of her newborn child. The actress was on cloud nine to welcome the little one to the family. She named her baby boy as Mirran. Saumya has done a photoshoot with her newborn and the pictures have warmed the cockles of our heart.
Have a look at the adorable pictures.
We can see that warm mother-son bonding in the pictures. The are clicked by famous celebrity photographer Sachin Kumar.
Earlier, breaking all the stereotypes, she did a maternity photo shoot flaunting her baby bump. She shared the pictures on her Instagram handle.
Saumya Tandon got hitched to her longtime friend Saurabh Devendra Singh in 2016.
She is a popular television actress and the comedy show ‘Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’ made her a household name. She also played Kareena Kapoor’s sister in Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Jab We Met’. She is also a great television host.
Earlier, in an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Saumya said that she won’t quit acting even after being a mother but her priority will be her newborn baby boy.
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Also Read: Saumya Tandon shares the first picture of her baby boy and it is so adorable!