Actress Saumya Tandon, who is known for her role in the television series ‘Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai’ suffered a big scare as her house caught fire. The fire mishap which occurred on the night of February 21 in her house. The ‘Jab We Met’ actress has sustained a few minor injuries on her palms but is safe.
Saumya Tandon took to her Twitter account and shared the news.
Had fire in my house ?, lessons learnt 1. Never sleep with liquit mosquito replant next to your bed especially if it’s over take it off the switch 2. Never have loose connection things plugged in 3. Learn to use fire extinguishers infact buy n keep it at home now.
— Saumya Tandon (@saumyatandon) February 21, 2019
Lots of mistakes, was so rushed, ‘liquid repellent’ ?
— Saumya Tandon (@saumyatandon) February 21, 2019
Yes by God’s grace all well, we are all safe no major injuries. It could have been worse, we were lucky.
— Saumya Tandon (@saumyatandon) February 21, 2019
The beautiful and talented actress recently became the mother of a baby boy. The child was named Miraan Tandon Singh. It was suggested to her by one of her fans on social media.
Many people might not remember but Soumya had played the role of Kareena Kapoor’s sister in Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Jab We Met’. Thankfully, by God’s grace, Saumya Tandon has escaped this unfortunate fire mishap and is keeping well.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for all the latest news and updates.
Also Read:Â Saumya Tandon asks netizen to suggest a name for her baby boy
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