Actress Sayani Gupta, popular for her roles in Shah Rukh Khan-starrer ‘Fan’ and ‘Baar Baar Dekho’ is all set to go international soon. The actress who attracted a lot of praises coming her way by playing the role of a Kalki’s love interest in 2015 film ‘Margarita With the Straw’, will next be seen in a movie called ‘Hungry’ alongside veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah and Tisca Chopra.
The movie, which is based on Shakespeare’s ‘Titus Andronicus’, is produced by Film London, and written and directed by Bornila Chatterjee. The movie is a UK-India co-production and the star cast of the film was apparently very selectively chosen. (Also Read: From glam to de-glam: Sayani Gupta’s transformation for Akshay Kumar-starrer ‘Jolly LL.B 2’)
Sayani, who had started her international journey by being a part of a short film called ‘Leeches’ for which she was awarded the Best Actress Award at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles ( IFFLA ) and in only two years, she has bagged one of the lead roles in ‘Hungry’.
Speaking about her role in the film and working with Naseeruddin Shah, Sayani said, “Just working with such a splendid cast by itself was out of the world. Naseer sir in fact had come once to FTII when I was a student there as a guest faculty and I always wished I would once work with him. The fact that I’m working with him in such a short duration of my career is extremely rewarding. The shoot of the film was absolutely a learning experience for me to be around such talented individuals”.
The actress was last seen with Akshay Kumar in ‘Jolly LL.B 2.’