Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are hosting their first reception in Delhi tonight. The reception has begun and both Priyanka and Nick are looking drop dead gorgeous. The reception is most likely to see high-profile celebrities, VVIPs and could involve prominent politicians cutting across party lines.
At the reception, Priyanka and Nick posed with their entire family. The pic is beautifully capturing the Chopras and the Jonas’ in one frame.
The couple, earlier tied the knot according to Hindu and Christian traditions and what a great moment it was!
In this pic, Priyanka and Nick are looking extremely gorgeous and their love is indeed pious and special. The picture is from their Delhi reception.
In this pic, Priyanka and Nick are dressed beautifully for their Christian wedding.
Priyanka Chopra first met Nick Jonas during Met Gala 2017 and instantly hit it off. It was around the same time that Priyanka was making a name for herself in Hollywood and was becoming a big brand. The couple, despite having a 10 year age difference, has always been straightforward and honest in their relationship.
Here’s wishing Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra a happy and blossoming married life ahead!
Also Read: The first look of Priyanka and Nick from their Delhi reception is out and it’s all things heavenly
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