Recently, events took a shocking turn for the fans of Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Both these Bollywood stars have landed in trouble. As per a report in a leading daily, the CBI has registered a case on the alleged Rs 500 crore online ponzi scam that involved the Ghaziabad based Webwork Trade Links Pvt Ltd in Uttar Pradesh. Both SRK and Nawazuddin have been named in the complaint as they endorsed Webwork Trade Link’s shadow company Addsbook Marketing in 2016.
As per the complaint, Anurag Garg and Sandesh Verma, who are the promoters of Webwork Trade Links, duped people using Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui as the brand ambassadors of their shadow firm which was launched on December 10, 2016. The complaint alleged that people had invested heavily in the company as they were influenced by both the celebrities. Hence, both the celebrities are equally responsible for the misconduct of the company.
But, both of them are not named as either accused or suspects in the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) FIR registered on Tuesday.
Further, the complaint also states that Anurag Garg and Sandesh Verma have allegedly took money from people by luring them with lucrative payments for every click on advertisements on their website. According to the Uttar Pradesh Police, who had been investigating the matter before CBI took over the case, Garg and Sudesh offered membership to more than four lakh people in four months for the click and earn plan, in which they allegedly collected over Rs 500 crore from around two lakh people.
The CBI, on directives of the Allahabad High Court, has now taken over the investigation and has re-registered the FIR against Anurag Jain and Sandesh Verma for alleged cheating and violating the Information Technology Act.
However, an official statement is awaited from both Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui over this matter.
Let’s wait for more updates on it.
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