There are several of Shah Rukh Khan fans who dress up like him and follow every trend set by their idol. From his hairstyles, the way he walks, to how he woos the ladies with his charm in romantic films, everything he does gets duplicated by his fans. Many people call themselves as his look-alikes and in fact his upcoming film, ‘Fan,’ too is a story of SRK’s look alike Gaurav, who calls himself a junior SRK. But did you know whose look alike is Shah Rukh Khan?
At the recent launch of ‘Fan’ trailer, SRK revealed that when he was a kid he considered himself to be an exact replica of actor Kumar Gaurav. Shah Rukh looked up to Kumar Gaurav and considered him to be his idol. Kumar Gaurav is the veteran actor who featured in films like ‘Love Story’ (1981), ‘Naam’ (1982), ‘Kaante’ (2002) and many more. The first thing that he wanted to do when he reached Mumbai was to meet Kumar Gaurav. Later, King Khan though that he looked like Al Pacino, but then very sweetly he said that his eyes were not as good as Al Pacino and hence dropped the idea.
But the best part was when he said, ‘Now I feel that I look like my father at the age of 50 and there would be a time in my life when I will be very proud to look like myself.’
How sweet! You are just too good the way you are Mr. King Khan! Millions of people look up to you and you are truly an inspiration for all!
Here’s the small clip of SRK revealing this bit of the story.
‘Fan’ is set to release on March 15, 2016.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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