After Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, now Shah Rukh Khan’s lookalike has taken the internet by storm. He is a photographer Akram al-Issawi from Jordan and has an uncanny resemblance to SRK. The pictures have gone viral already. In the pics, we see the man walking in the streets while people are asking him for selfies. We can see him getting clicked with the people. When you look at the pictures of him, you will be surprised to see the similarities, for example, the dimples and the hairstyle.
Here are the pictures that are doing rounds on the internet.
As soon as the pictures were posted on social media, comments started pouring in for him. One user wrote, “Srk after 20 years from now” while one commented, “Looks like shahruks lost judwa broder”.
Here are the comments.
What do you have to say about the lookalike of Shah Rukh Khan? We wonder what SRK has to say about his new doppelganger.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan is currently on a break from movies. He was last seen in ‘Zero’. He is currently focussing on OTT platform and has produced the recent show ‘Bard of Blood’ that is currently streaming on Netflix. It is getting rave reviews from the audiences and critics alike.
For more such interesting updates, stay tuned to our space.
Also Read: Have you seen Akshay Kumar’s doppelganger from Kashmir yet? His pic has taken the internet by storm