Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are reportedly planning a significant expansion of their iconic Mumbai residence, Mannat, with an estimated investment of Rs 25 crore. Mannat, built in 1914, is a well-known landmark in the city and attracts numerous fans daily who gather outside to catch a glimpse of the Bollywood superstar. The Khans intend to add two new floors to the property, significantly increasing its size.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan to expand Mannat
According to a recent report from Times Now, Gauri Khan applied to the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) in November 2024 seeking approval for this expansion. The MCZMA reviewed the proposal at a meeting held on December 10 and 11. Currently, Mannat spans 2091.38 square meters and consists of a six-storey modern building.
With the proposed addition, the seventh and eighth floors will add an estimated 616.02 square meters to the existing structure. This shall raise the total expense to around Rs 25 crore. Documents obtained by Hindustan Times reveal that Gauri Khan’s application for the expansion was submitted on November 9. The current structure of Mannat includes two basement levels, a ground floor, and six additional floors. The addition of two more floors aims to further enhance the luxury of their already opulent home.
A committee led by principal secretary (environment) Pravin Darade is all set to make a decision on Gauri Khan’s application for Mannat’s expansion on Wednesday. The amendment of CRZ rules in 2019 allowed for the Transfer of Development Rights and facilitated the approval of an increased Floor Space Index (FSI) under the Development Control and Promotion Regulation (DCPR), enabling property owners in CRZ areas, including celebrities and industrialists, to expand their buildings more easily.
About SRK’s Mannat
Shah Rukh Khan purchased Mannat in 2001 for approximately Rs 13.01 crore. Originally named Villa Vienna, the property has since become a landmark in the Bandstand area of Bandra. It boasts six floors of luxury.
Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming project
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up to start filming his next project in the new year. He is set to star in the action thriller King. It is directed by Sujoy Ghosh and produced by Siddharth Anand and Gauri Khan. Notably, he will share the screen with his daughter, Suhana Khan, for the first time. And will feature alongside co-stars Abhishek Bachchan and Abhay Verma.