Remember when an ecstatic Ranbir Kapoor had claimed all the credit for suggesting the name of Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma-starrer ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’? According to him, King Khan now owed INR 5000 to him as his was the chosen title for the Imtiaz Ali directorial. And now, SRK posted a picture of himself handing over the amount to a jubilant Ranbir, who just cannot control his excitement over winning the money.
Shah Rukh took to his Twitter account and posted a picture of himself handing over the money to Ranbir, who is smiling ear to ear. Take a look at the tweet here. (Also Read: Hey, Shah Rukh Khan! What’s with your obsession over military pants?)
But that is not all. That is when Karan Johar chose to speak, and according to him, Ranbir is not the one who has come up with the whole name. Karan took credit for the first word of the name, i.e. Jab, and so he is entitled to get 25% of the money Shah Rukh gave to Ranbir, INR 1250!
Here’s Karan’s tweet.
Well, well. This looks like a friendly banter between friends.
Congratulations, Ranbir! You finally got the money you won, a very well-deserved one, for we love the title. But don’t forget to pass on Karan’s share to him.
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!