After several years, the magical chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol will once gain entertain the audience in Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film ‘Dilwale.’ The movie, which marks the comeback of this iconic Jodi is in its promotional phase and is set to hit the theatres on December 18, 2015. Shah Rukh Khan and his leading lady Kajol, along with their co-stars Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon are currently on their toes, promoting their film at several promotional events. As of now, their promotional tour has reached London wherein a media conference has been held.


We recently got a glimpse of this conference wherein we saw Shah Rukh Khan going all praises for Kajol. While describing how Kajol has changed over the years, the superstar said that she hasn’t changed at all. The comfort level between the two is extraordinary and this has come after knowing each other from several years. Shah Rukh Khan says, “Kajol’s acting is very raw, a kind of acting which you start off with, where you could go wrong, but the earnestness, rawness and the honesty make you fly. Kajol is like that!”

Further, he said that it’s mesmerizing to see how Kajol enjoys her work thoroughly without being bothered about how the film will turn out to be or whether it would hamper their her stardom. Just enjoying the process of filmmaking is what infectious about Kajol, says the Badshah of Bollywood. Now that’s really sweet of King Khan, isn’t it?


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