Shah Rukh Khan had recently jetted off to Maldives with his wife Gauri and children Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. While Shah Rukh Khan had posted snapshots from the vacation, his fans took it upon themselves to share unseen images from the trip.
In the images, we can see Shah Rukh khan having a great time with his family. We can see that they’re all smiles. In a video, we can see SRK, Gauri, AbRam, Aryan and Suhana being welcomed at a resort in Maldives. In another photo, we can see SRK, Gauri and AbRam surrounded by fans on the beach. Among them, there is one video where Shah Rukh is seen riding a jet ski with AbRam.
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Shah Rukh also showed his fans a glimpse of his vacation.
Shah Rukh is back in Mumbai and is busy with the production work related to his digital ventures like ‘Bard of Blood’ and ‘Betaal’. Shah Rukh was last seen in ‘Zero’ that also starred Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma. According to reports, Shah Rukh had mentioned that he hasn’t signed any film as of now and is on a break.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan pays a surprise visit to his star cast from Netflix’s ‘Betaal’