Director Rohit Shetty’s new found friendship with Shah Rukh Khan is often a talking point in the Bollywood circles. They had made an unexpected pair when they came together for ‘Chennai Express’, and after delivering the box office hit Shah Rukh Khan has now expressed his desire to produce Marathi films with his new best friend and hit-filmmaker Rohit Shetty.
According to sources, the dynamic duo will produce a total of six regional films under their joint banner. Rohit has spoken to SRK about the same and that the latter has shown interest in funding these projects. Rohit confirmed the news and said, “Yes, we are looking at producing Marathi films, but it is too early to talk about it as we are still working on things. A few friends from the Marathi film industry have already narrated their scripts to me. I liked couple of them and I look forward to producing these ventures.”
The two of the best friends are also going to come together for another action film after Rohit ‘s Singham 2 with Ajay Devgn is completed.