Suhana Khan, daughter of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan, is currently in the holidaying mode and living life to the fullest. She shared a set of stunning sun-kissed pictures on her Instagram stories on Thursday. The photographs are from Portugal, she revealed in one of her Instagram stories. In one of the pictures, Suhana, dressed in a classic LBD, can be seen smiling for the camera with a stunning view in the backdrop. Suhana wore matching stilettoes and added accessorised her look with a black sling bag. The picture-perfect shots needed no caption, so Suhana didn’t add one.
In another picture, Suhana, dressed in a classic LBD, can be seen smiling for the camera with a stunning view in her back. Suhana wore a matching stilettoes and completed her look with a black sling bag. SRK and Gauri marred in 1991. The star couple are parents to Aryan, 23, (their eldest child), Suhana and 8-year-old AbRam. Aryan Khan graduated from University Of South California. Suhana (21) is pursuing her higher studies in New York, while AbRam stays with his parents in Mumbai.
Suhana has studied films at England’s Ardingly College and is currently a student at the New York University. Suhana Khan, who has also done theatre shows in the past, featured in a short film titled The Grey Part Of Blue, directed by Theodore Gimeno, which marked her acting debut. The film released in the year 2019. Recently, Suhana turned a muse for her mother Gauri Khan. The star wife clicked pretty pictures of her where she was seen wearing a white tank top and shorts, posing with a can of Coke in her hands. Along with the pictures, Suhana had written, “Pretend it’s a Pepsi and I’m Cindy Crawford