Shah Rukh Khan has banked on various genres of films. He is one such rare actor who has pulled off the role of a villain and a hero efficiently. In fact, he is the only actor who started his career by playing a negative role in film ‘Deewana’ and then he moved on to become the romantic hero in the film.
But lately, he has just been playing a superhero, ‘the saviour of all’ and the ‘king of romance’ kind off roles. But, surprisingly, in his upcoming film ‘Fan,’ Shah Rukh will reportedly reprise the character of being a psychopath from his film ‘Darr.’ Just like he went crazy for his lady-love Juhi Chawla in 1993′ hit film ‘Darr,’ SRK will reportedly go crazy for his idol ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ in ‘Fan.’
Now we all know that SRK will be playing a double role in the film. One of his character is of Gaurav, a die-hard fan of Shah Rukh Khan. Gaurav is the one who will go mad for his idol and turn into a psycho. When asked about the same, a source close to the film was quoted saying that ” The director Maneesh Sharma was given the brief of getting back to screen the psycho lover from Darr. That’s one Shah Rukh who has gone missing in the last two decades.”‘
With this, our excitment for Shah Rukh’s ‘Fan’ has reached a new level. We are desperately waiting to see SRK back in his ‘Darr’ avatar. What do you guys think? Do leave a comment below and let us know.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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