Bollywood’s King Khan aka actor Shah Rukh Khan is happy and overwhelmed with the wishes that poured in for his 51st birthday celebrated on Wednesday. As many of the moviegoers would know that the actor has returned from foreign finishing the shoot of director Imtiaz Ali’s next project, where the last leg of shooting is scheduled in Mumbai itself. And if the latest reports are to believed then after wrapping up this movie with Imtiaz in around December, the actor will start prepping up on director Aanand L Rai’s upcoming project where he will be seen playing the role of a dwarf man.
According to a report in a leading daily, the ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ director is flying out to Meerut for a recce and will be there for a couple of days finalising the locations for the shoot. A source has been quoted in a tabloid as saying, “Certain parts of the film are set in Meerut so Aanand will spend some time there to familiarise himself with the culture and the people.They are expected to start rolling in the first half of next year.”
Ever since this project of SRK and Aanand L Rai has been announced, it has been making quite a buzz as it would see the ‘Fan’ actor playing a dwarf man for the first time. It is touted to be an unusual love story between a dwarf man and a woman.
But still, director Aanand L Rai has to make an official announcement about the leading lady. So now for the fans of SRK in Meerut, they should be ready to welcome him as he would be arriving soon to their hometown.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.