Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who was injured on the sets of Farah Khan’s Happy New Year ,when a heavy door had fallen on him. He was taken to a city hospital, where he was given immediate medical aid and then returned to the set. But his injuries seems to be not so minor as reported the actor has got a a shoulder fracture, his left knee’s patellar tendon is torn and doctors have advised him complete rest.
As per sources,Shahrukh Khan who has gone through innumerable injuries has once again sustained some more”Shah Rukh went through fresh set of tests last night post the shoot for the injuries he incurred on the sets while shooting yesterday. His right shoulder is fractured and left knee patella is torn. Doctors have advised him to take complete rest for the next two-three weeks.”
Shah Rukh’s good friend Farah director of ‘Happy New Year’ said that the star of her film was “stubborn” about resuming the shoot, and that the “returning hero” even received a standing ovation on the sets.