Alia Bhatt‘s sister Shaheen Bhatt recently opened up about her battle with depression. It was heart-wrenching post by her on social media that gave us a glimpse of how she has lived with it for so many years. Now, Alia Bhatt, who has delivered her recent hit ‘Dear Zindagi’, has expressed her thoughts over Shaheen’s depression. The actress also revealed that Shaheen suffers from insomnia too and hence they have spent a lot of sleepless together.
Alia was quoted saying, “All those who are close to her know about it. It’s not as if she has never spoken about it before. She has, to her loved ones. Apart from depression, my sister suffers from insomnia. So we’ve spent many sleepless nights talking.”
Also Read: Alia Bhatt wants to do both off-beat and mainstream films
But as said, depression is a battle wherein no one can help, Alia does feel helpless at times. “Though my sister and I share a very honest relationship, nothing that I can say or do can help her situation. So yes, she has to constantly work herself out of her depression. Whenever she seeks me for companionship, I am there. Otherwise she is a strong person and she has to deal with it herself. No matter how much I love her, I can’t help her get over the depression. She has to do it on her own,” Alia expressed.
Talking about ‘Dear Zindagi’, the film does highlight the suffering of a person who is a victim of depression.
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.