Actor Shahid Kapoor who was busy shooting for Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Haider’ connected big time with the director. The twosome have a long association. They had earlier come together for ‘Kaminey’ that went on to be a box office grosser. Now it seems that Vishal Bhardwaj is planning a sequel to his 2009 hit starring Shahid Kapoor.
As per sources, it looks like things are finally falling into place and the sequel might just be on the cards. Vishal Bhardwaj is keen on naming the film as ‘Maha Kaminey’, and with Shahid Kapoor in the lead, the film is expected to take the story forward.
Sources further added that, the idea is there in Vishal Bhardwaj’s mind, and he is giving the finishing touches to the script, which will explore a fantasy world filled with gangsters. ‘Maha Kaminey’ is expected to be more gory and dark than the first film, giving birth to more evil characters and will give Shahid Kapoor a chance to portray a character that he hasn’t experimented with ever before.
Well lets wait and watch for further developments on this topic.