Some juicy details from Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor’s bedroom have just made it to the internet. It was on ‘BFFs with Vogue’ that Mira Rajput spoke about this. Neha Dhupia asked the couple to reveal about their favourite position in bed and the lady just couldn’t keep calm. Though Shahid hesitated to talk about it, Mira went all out and spoke about the control freak Shahid Kapoor in bed. She said, “I think he is a control freak. He is always telling me what to do.”
Hehe…that’s juicy, isn’t it?
Though Mira revealed about the control freak Shahid in bed, on the contrary, she also termed him a ‘bore’ at the parties. Okay then! (Also Read: Shahid Kapoor knows what makes Mira Kapoor jealous and it’s kind of cute)
While we await the full episode, there’s the glimpse of Shahid-Mira madness; courtesy ‘BFFs with Vogue’.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.