After Kapil Sharma and Irrfan Khan, looks like it’s Shahid Kapoor’s turn to face the BMC. The actor has received a legal notice from the municipal body for failing to prevent breeding of mosquitoes in his apartment.
Actress Vidya Balan has recently been diagnosed with dengue and is advised 10-15 days of bed rest at home, before she gets back to her feet. Owing to this unfortunate news, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials conducted a thorough inspection of the actress’s house at Praneta Apartments in Juhu, Mumbai. While they did not find any mosquito breeding grounds at Vidya’s house, they found two on the upper floor and one on the ground floor.
And one of Vidya’s neighbours, Shahid Kapoor has now been served notice by the BMC for failing to prevent the breeding of aedes aegypti mosquito. According to a report in a leading daily, the BMC’s insecticide department, found a mosquito breeding ground inside Shahid’s swimming pool which has been lying unused for a while now, which has now become a house of the mosquitoes that can transmit dengue and chikungunya.
Also Read: Watch: Shahid Kapoor feels Ranveer Singh is not a good actor as him