Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani were spotted on January 18 in Delhi while shooting for Sandeep Vanga’s upcoming film ‘Kabir Singh’. It is to be noted that Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani will be seen on the silver screen for the first time. The film ‘Kabir Singh’ is an adaptation of Telugu superhit movie ‘Arjun Reddy’ which was also directed by Vanga.
Shahid and Advani were photographed when they were busy shooting a scene at the backdrop of a park area in the national capital. In the photo, the ‘Padmaavat’ actor donned casual wear with a brown colour jacket and blue jeans while Kiara looked stunning in peach colour kurta salwar.
Check out Shahid and Advani’s photo here:
According to reports, the ‘Kabir Singh’ is currently filming the first half of the film which includes many romantic sequences between Shahid and Advani on college campuses. According to the Mumbai Mirror report, “The Delhi schedule will wrap up on January 21, after which the team will move to Mussoorie and Dehradun where they will picturised another romantic number. The film will wrap up with the song shoot on January 27.”
The film ‘Kabir Singh’ is jointly produced by Cine1 Studios and T-Series. Its story focuses on the man named Kabir Singh ( an alcoholic surgeon), who goes on a self-destructive path after his girlfriend marries some other man. In the film, Shahid Kapoor will be seen essaying the character of an alcoholic surgeon.
The film ‘Kabir Singh’ is slated to hit the theatres on June 21, 2019.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor finds this actress ‘very attractive’ when she dances!
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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