Today, actor Shahid Kapoor celebrates his 37th birthday. Currently, he is in the happiest phase, be it in the personal life or professional life. After delivering a massive success with ‘Padmaavat’, the actor recently wrapped up the first shooting schedule of his upcoming project ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’ in Uttarakhand.
Talking about his personal life, he and his wife Mira Rajput Kapoor make up for one such couple which is head over heels in love. And recently, Shahid went on to reveal an interesting thing about his wife Mira, as to what makes her jealous. (Also Check: Batti Gul Meter Chalu: Shahid and Shraddha caught in a serious discussion with director. SEE PIC)
It was during his exclusive interview given to DNA where the actor chose to spoke about this. He was asked if is his little daughter Misha is his most favourite person in life. To which he replied, “Please don’t make me choose between Misha and Mira, I have to go back home (laughs uncontrollably). I can’t see beyond my daughter and I think my wife is slightly jealous.”
“I keep teasing her that it’s karma, everything is coming full circle because that’s exactly how it is in her house. My mother-in-law keeps telling me how Mira is her daddy’s girl and she is the third spoke in the wheel. She is the apple of her dad’s eye; just the way Misha is mine. So, my wife has to live with it,” added the actor.
Awww! Isn’t that cute?
Talking about films, Shahid’s next project ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’ stars him along with Shraddha Kapoor and Yami Gautam.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.