After his ‘Shaandar’ disaster on the box-office last year, Shahid Kapoor is now bracing up for his next venture ‘Rangoon.’ For the second time, Shahid would work under Vishal Bharadwaj’s direction after ‘Haider’ and this film is expected to bring Shahid’s Bollywood career back on track. Shahid is putting his best foot forward and doing everything possible to make this film a hit one and not like his previous debacle. We have now learnt that Shasha is specially learning Japanese for this film.
Shahid Kapoor would be donning the hat of an INA soldier in ‘Rangoon’ and the film would have the backdrop that off a World War II. It’s a period drama film and would be a love story set in the war era. As we know that it’s Vishal Bharadwaj so it’s expected that he would try to make a film look as real as possible. The director has specially called for Chinese actors to be a part of this film. In few such scenes Shahid is expected to converse with them in Japanese and that is why Shahid has taken up the charge to learn the toughest language for this film. A Japanese tutor has been recruited to to teach Shasha speak Japanese fluently. According to the reports, this tutor accompanies Shahid to the sets of ‘Rangoon’ in order to help him with thescenes. Well, good going boy!
Recently, there was a news that Shahid has injured himself on the sets of ‘Rangoon’ while shooting a bombing-sequence for the film. Shahid was also running on a high temperature due to getting drenched in ran for almost 6 hours to shoot one particular scene in ‘Rangoon.’
Well, with all of this, our expectations from ‘Rangoon’ have surely gone up. We, hope that you don’t dissapoint us this time, Shahid!
Apart from Shahid Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut and Saif Ali Khan would have a pivotal role to play in ‘Rangoon.’ The movie is slated to release in November 2016.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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