Shahid Kapoor recently revealed that he was bullied back in school. The actor said that he hated his school in Mumbai because he was bullied by the kids and treated very badly, also the teachers wouldn’t treat him well. In a recent interview, Shahid was asked about his school days and the actor said he hated his school days in Mumbai.
Recalling his comebacks, Shahid said that he didn’t ‘step down or step back’. But contrary to his school in Mumbai Shahid loved his schooling in Delhi where he made some amazing memories. The actor further revealed that he went to college in Mumbai. Shahid went to Mumbai’s Mithibai College and he was very popular there but was extremely shy.
Shahid said, “I hated my school in Bombay, I was bullied and treated very badly. The teachers were also not very nice to me. Sorry but that is true. I loved my school in Delhi because I was there from Jr KG and I had a lot of friends. So, I’ve amazing memories in Delhi and not very pleasant memories of schooling in Bombay. My college in Bombay was really nice, had a lot of fun, I was in Mithibai College, but schooling was not so nice,” the actor revealed to Curry Tales.
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Taling about hitting back at the kids when being bullied, Shahid further said, “There’s no difference. I feel when children join school, when a new kid comes in the middle and all the other kids are there from a younger age, he kind of becomes an outsider. And since I was from Delhi, I was ‘dilli ka ladka’, I was not one to step down or step back so whenever I’d be told ‘Tu hat ja (Go away)’ I’d be like ‘Tu kya samajhta hai? Main kyun hatu (What do you think? Why should I go)?’… ‘Tu jaanta nahi main kaun hun (You don’t know who am I)’, it was more like that.”
Meanwhile, Shahid Kapoor was last seen in the movie Jersey with Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur. The movie was presented by Allu Aravind, and produced by Aman Gill, Dil Raju and S Naga Vamsi.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor is overwhelmed as the OG Jersey star Nani praises the Hindi remake