Bollywood’s chocolate boy Shahid Kapoor recently spent an evening in the company of his ex girlfriend Kareena Kapoor’s husband Saif Ali Khan. The Nawab was spotted on the sets of ‘Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Reloaded’ along with his co-stars the gorgeous beauty Katrina Kaif. The two were promoting their upcoming film ‘Phantom’ on the show.

Shahid Kapoor is a co-judge on the show, he has taken over from Dancing Diva Madhuri Dixit. The two actors had a fun time matching steps on the show with Katrina Kaif looking on. Shahid Kapoor and Saif will also be soon working together in Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Rangoon’.


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Shahid and Kareena dated for a while but later parted their ways. In 2008, Saif and Kareena fell in love on the sets of Tashan. They married in 2012. Shahid Kapoor too is now married to Delhi girl Mira Rajput.

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