Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s adorable son AbRam Khan rang in his birthday today. The munchkin has turned 8 and he is being swarmed with birthday wishes from his loved ones. AbRam’s elder sister, Suhana Khan took to her social media account and showered some birthday love on her brother on his special day.
Suhana took to her Instagram account and on her stories, she shared a throwback video from her pool time with brother AbRam. Suhana is seen getting a sweet kiss from AbRam in the cute video where the siblings were all smiles. She wrote in the caption, “Birthday Boy”.
Check out the video below:
Meanwhile, Suhana recently celebrated her 21st birthday on May 22. She had been partying with her friends who threw her a lovely bash. The fashionista was seen rocking quite the stylish outfits on her special day. Gauri Khan had shared a picture of Suhana and written on her Instagram, “Happy birthday…. you are loved today , tomorrow and always.” Suhana is currently studying at New York’s Columbia University. She wants to follow in Shah Rukh’s footsteps and enter the Hindi film industry. While her Bollywood debut is always the talk of the town there has been no official word about it.
Also Read: Suhana Khan parties with her girl gang on a yacht; have you seen her viral pics yet?