Shah Rukh Khan

Superstar Shah Rukh Khan was honored at an award ceremony organised by Forbes Middle East to acknowledge the Top Indian Leaders in the Arab World. Shah Rukh took to the stage for a candid chat with the magazine`s features editor, Joanne Al-Samarae. TP Seetharam, Ambassador of India to the UAE, also attended the event as guest of honour, and Boris Collardi, CEO of Julius Baer Group, which partnered with Forbes Middle East on this special occasion.




As per sources, SRK said, “I am happy with my fame: I would miss leaving my house and not having people waiting for me, I would miss people waving to me, I am happy being loved. I want no privacy; I shamelessly want to be a star, I think it`s the most beautiful thing to be,I am so happy that people don`t give me time to have lunch alone! I would rather have all this. Given the choice I would do it all over again.”

Shah Rukh Khan further added, “I have the big houses, amazing cars, the best boxes in the stadiums; people really pamper me. But if I had none of that, and I just had my acting, then I would be happy.” 

The latest issue of Forbes Middle East magazine was unveiled during the event