Superstar Salman Khan at the unveiling of the trailer of ‘O Teri’ made by his brother-in-law Atul Agnihotri said that do not blow the injury of Shah Rukh Khan out of proportion and concentrate on the release of ‘Jai Ho’ which is releasing this Friday. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan was injured on Thursday on the sets of his new film ‘Happy New Year’ and soon taken to Nanavati Hospital and within a few hours after seeking quick medical aid, he returned to the movie set.
Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan had just recently kissed and made up and the Dabangg Khan tagged it as coincidence that SRK got injured just a day before the release of his film. He said, “This had to happen just before the release of ‘Jai Ho’? Don’t blow this news out of proportion,Unke jaan pe hamla nahi hua hai (There was no mortal attack). He has not lost his memory… He is fine, so concentrate on ‘Jai Ho’. We just found out that he is fine, so we are happy.”
Directed by Salman’s younger brother, “Jai Ho”, is the most awaited movie as Sallu will be seen after a long gap. The movie which will show the current political and social situation in the country, will hit more than 5,000 screens.