The two superstars of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan are truly in a mood to forgive and forget . The truce between them started at Baba Siddiqui’s Iftar bash, where they had hugged each other. Quite recently Salman Khan had further extended the olive branch by inviting Shahrukh to promote his movie ‘Happy New Year’ on the ‘Bigg Boss 7’ platform that is being hosted by him .
As per sources Shahrukh Khan has accepted his invitation and said, “I would love to be on Bigg Boss and promote ‘Happy New Year’ on the show. It’s a big platform but the shooting have just started hence we won’t be ready for this season and perhaps next year we might match our release dates.”
Well well it would be a treat for SRK and Sallu Fans to see their idols sharing the same platform.