Bollywood is notorious for its Casting couch, and when former model Rina Golan released her book based on Bollywood’s infamous casting couch, she created a stir. The Badshah of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan with his middle class upbringing and immense respect for women had been deeply disturbed by this incident. He decided to take matters in his hands and with best friend Farah Khan recently partnered with deal-giant Groupon to launch online auditions for their upcoming movie ‘Happy New Year’.
As per sources, SRK planned on making the entry process as transparent as possible, compiling his personal acting techniques in a DVD to ensuring that the new-entrant gets featured in the official behind-the-scenes footage. He calls his audition ticket, “The One Way Ticket”. And he surely seems to be turning it into a one-way-ticket to Bollywood.